Mark 13:10

PCA's Mission

I firmly believe in the Christian mission to spread the Gospel message to everyone. It has always been a dream of mine to use my art to glorify God in this way. It's my hope that when someone reads your shirt in a cafe, the sticker you have on your school computer, or the tote bag you use to bring your groceries home, it stirs the hearts of people still searching for Christ.

Shop now!

Colossians 3:23-24

About the Artist

Hello! My name is Laura DiAngelis. I am originally from NJ but I am currently based in Savannah GA for my senior year at the Savannah College of Art and Design. I am a Sequential Art major (meaning I draw comics and other nerdy things.) The Lord has blessed me with a passion to be a creative, and there is nothing I love more than to do so for His glory.

When I'm not drawing I'm singing on the worship team, helping with RUF (a Christian club on campus I'm fortunate enough to be the president of!) or taking care of my house plants!

If you're interested to see some of my other drawings, check out my website below!

Artist Page

Hebrews 10:24

Thank you!

God has truly been so gracious to allow me to bring this all together. But I wouldn't be able to make it happen without the support from all of you, so thank you!

Please feel free to reach out to me and send photos in through my social medias or the contact link bellow. I would really love to hear from all of you, I am so excited to see these products come to life!
